Classes Currently Offered

Elizabeth teaches in Bellingham at 8 Petals Yoga a studio she helped found in 2007 and at her home studio in Deming. 8 Petals Classes 8 Petals is located at 1317 Commercial Stree in Downtown Bellingham, WA (across from the Parkade). All classes are 1.5 hours. Mondays at 5:15 for Beginners  Mondays at 7 pm … Continue reading

Why Iyengar Yoga?

Why Iyengar yoga? Yoga is an ancient practice. Iyengar yoga is a form of yoga developed by BKS Iyengar, seen here, whom many people believe to be the foremost yoga guru of our time. Iyengar yoga is a deep and rich practice. Among its virtues is the way the practice teaches us to listen deeply, … Continue reading

Yoga Classes in the Iyengar Tradition

Elizabeth teaches a variety of class levels both in Bellingham and  at her home studio in Deming, as described below. Classes are an hour and a half long. Each class begins with reflection on practice from a philosophical and spiritual perspective, and then unfolds into the physical postures or asana work of the discipline. Short … Continue reading